New Changes Coming July 1st!

Because my practice has been growing, I have decided to move my Mississauga office! I will be moving into my own room (that means no more dollhouse and figurines) coming July 1st. The new room will be bigger and better suited for individual, couple, and family therapy. I will be moving on July 1st, 2020. The new address is 52 Village Centre Place, room 201, which is in the same complex as my current office. That means you can park in the same lot. The new building is actually easier to find, as it is closer to the complex entrance. As for my Guelph office, I plan on re-opening for in-person visits in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more information! And finally, due to the ever-increasing demand for therapy, I will soon be hiring therapists to join my team! Stay tuned for more information! That's it for today. If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas, please do not hesitate to contact me.…

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Hello everyone, I want to discuss how we can continue therapy during the COVID19 pandemic. Your health (both physical and mental) is my priority. IN PERSON SESSIONS MISSISSAUGA OFFICE For your benefit, I am continuing to see clients face to face at my Mississauga office only. If you would like to meet face to face, I have implemented the following changes at my office to help minimize the chances of infection: Commonly touched surfaces and objects, such as doorknobs, will be regularly disinfected. I will be washing my hands for twenty seconds or use hand sanitizer between sessions. I have added additional boxes of tissues and hand sanitizer to my office. I have created social distancing in my waiting area by creating more space between chairs. If you like, I can text you when I am ready to see you, allowing you to wait outside or in a space that allows…

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